Translucent Webs

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I actually LOVE this image. But any suggestions for improvement would be greatly welcomed. For instance, do you think a crop could make this stronger?

Creative direction

I want to convey mystery. What are you looking at? Does it draw the viewer in and keep them there?

Specific Feedback

I want feedback on all these aspects.

Technical Details

ISO 2000, f/5.6, 98mm, 1/2500"


I hired a photographer/pilot to fly me over the glacial silt deposits in Iceland rivers. We were up for a total of 8 hours and I did not want it to ever end. When we approached the first river, the sun was on the far side and the river looked like a silver ribbon. I thought to myself “What is he going here for? There is nothing to see.” But when we got over the river, you could see down through the water and these amazing deposits appeared as if by magic. The different chemical and physical compositions of the rocks ground down by the glaciers result in different color, size and density of silt particles. Similar particles stay together in the river and are deposited together, giving these colored patterns/trails.


One can appreciate the opportunity of being in such an incredible place and I like your story of how at first you didn’t see this image until the pilot put the craft in the right position. Very nice composition. I also looked at the image in a vertical and horizontal flipped orientation and also like how it looks so much like an abstract or a microscope image of some organic material.

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Thanks for your comments, Harvey. Yes, I too like it in different orientations as well.

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WOW!! Hard to believe this an aerial of an actual natural water or ice feature! It is amazingly 3D and completely awesome!!!

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Stunning image! The only suggestion I have is to darken the upper corners. You did well with the opportunity you had.

Hi Bill: I have been to Iceland enough to know an Iceland aerial when I see one and this is outstanding. Not an intimate landscape or is it? Given the vastness of the area and, what appears to be, a very selective area, sure… I can see this as an intimate landscape. Even though I knew what this was immediately, I was still mesmerized by the subject. It’s almost unbelievable, isn’t it? The visual impact is off the charts and I love how you composed with the strongest line going through the frame from bottom left to upper right. Tremendous! It’s a little tricky to find and to create order out of utter visual chaos, but you succeeded nicely. The final check is at the corners and at the edges. As my eye moves around the frame, everything works. The balance is outstanding with the seeming chiaroscuro pattern throughout.

Thanks so much, Diane. Yes, it was an amazing experience. I would do it again in a minute.

Thanks for the suggestion, Don. I see what you mean. I will try it.

Thanks so much for your comments, Tony. Yes, seeing scenes like this is a high. This was one of the most joyful times in my life. Just mesmerizing, as you say. I took over 6000 images in 8 hours of flight time, all in single shot mode. And my finger was not even tired :slight_smile: Do you think this would work better vertically, 90 CCW? Or are both strong images?

I rotated the image CCW 4 times and they all work well, Bill.
8 hours over Iceland…I’m crazy jealous!!

Thanks, Tony.

Yes, it was absolutely wonderful. I used Halldor Jonsson. He is a photographer/pilot and belongs to a flying club with access to planes. He knew exactly where to go and was extremely nice and accommodating. I’d use him again in a second. His prices last Fall were $360/hour airtime( $325/hr at today’s exchange rate). He did not include time for stopping to refuel. A lot of money, but much cheaper than a several day workshop with less hours in the air.

Halldor Jonsson

Bill, In looking at all of the photos submitted for Tony’s review, this one is the most engaging and mysterious for me. I had no idea what it was and wanted to know more. I love it, and am definitely going to put an aerial shoot on my bucket list for Iceland. I’ve done them in Badlands (US) and Namibia and both were amazing, but this is outstanding! I wouldn’t change a thing, but that, of course, is up to you.

Thanks so much for your comments, Roberta. Yes, Iceland by air definitely belongs on a bucket list. I want to go back and do more.