Turning Off Lightroom Shortcuts

I tend to be a slow paced person and have never found shortcut keys to be particularly helpful. When I’m posting images here, I’ll have one monitor with LR CC Classic open for referring to the image and exif data and my main monitor for NPN. Sometimes I think I’m working on the post when I’ve accidentally gotten into the LR screen. Since a lot of shortcuts there are single key I end up doing all kinds of weird things to my LR display without realizing it. It’s never been unrecoverable, but it’s a pain. A quick search this morning yielded lots of hits on what they are, how to use them, etc, but nothing on how to disable them. Does anyone know?

PS. Windows 10.

There really isn’t a way to do this that I’m aware of. If anyone here is geeky and has windows they could try this autohotkey script to block keyboard input for lightroom only. You should be able to just add a line IfWinActive Lightroom and it should work theoretically, but I don’t have a windows machine anymore to test it.


; The keyboard hook doesn't block mouse buttons, so this can toggle kb block.

; This can only execute if the keyboard is NOT blocked,
; so it can't be used to unblock the keyboard.
    KeyWait, Ctrl ; don't block Ctrl key-up
    KeyWait, Space ; or space-up

BlockKeyboard(block=-1) ; -1, true or false.
    static hHook = 0, cb = 0
    if !cb ; register callback once only.
        cb := RegisterCallback("BlockKeyboard_HookProc")
    if (block = -1) ; toggle
        block := (hHook=0)
    if ((hHook!=0) = (block!=0)) ; already (un)blocked, no action necessary.
    if (block)
        hHook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx"
            , "int", 13  ; WH_KEYBOARD_LL
            , "uint", cb ; lpfn (callback)
            , "uint", 0  ; hMod (NULL)
            , "uint", 0) ; dwThreadId (all threads)
    else {
        DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", "uint", hHook)
        hHook = 0

BlockKeyboard_HookProc(nCode, wParam, lParam)
    static count = 0
    ; Optional: built-in disable mechanism.
    if (NumGet(lParam+8) & 0x80) { ; key up
        if (NumGet(lParam+4) = 0x4D && !(NumGet(lParam+8) & 1)) { ; Numpad 6
            if (++count = 3)
        } else
            count = 0
    return 1

Thanks, @David_Kingham I think that’s just a bit too geeky for my skill level, but I appreciate it.