
For me, this one is about showing the canyon walls, with their lines, colors and textures. The trees anchor that view.

D850, 70-200mm

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Totally agree with you Harley. I love the variation in colors with the shrubs and trees. You have everything from dark green to mid-green and yellow fall colors. Combine that with the brilliant orange canyon walls and you’ve got southwest harmony. I love the textures and the vertical lines in the rock wall. I might add a little bit of clockwise rotation even though I think this is fairly straight. My eye sees the perfectly straight pine tree on the left but even more so my eye sees the long vertical lines that are leaning to the left. I wouldn’t worry about the line on the right as that line curves but the beautiful line that the pine tree lines up with is leaning just a little left as well. Love the aspect ratio you chosen on this. It really plays to the strengths of the vertical lines. Nice find. What a trip you had Harley. Wow!

Wonderful photo Harley. The vertical lines in the wall with the juniper/cypress(?) tree really helps emphasize those lines. The variation of the colors of the trees are a great compliment to the wall. Very nicely seen and executed.

The colors in this desert landscape are simply fantastic and the vertical format is perfect for accentuating the vertical lines in the canyon wall as well as the trees. I also like the visual tension with the horizontal lines in the rock face running at a 90 degree angle with the vertical stains. Another beauty from your trip.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. The color and texture in the canyon are just wonderful. That faint hint of purple adds a lot of visual interest for me. I assume that the vertical brown stripe on the left is a section of the cliff that gets more water runoff when it rains. It makes me wonder if that’s why the tree grew directly underneath it.

Wonderful! I want to go there now…

Hey Harley,

Wonderful capture and indeed showcasing the “wall” - it’s textures and colors. Leaving the original tall, vertical format clearly makes the wall the subject.

Interesting, my immediate impression was the texture of the wall seemingly emanating from the conifer tree on the left; it’s as though the tree is emitting something that has changed the face of the wall. Cool.

The anchors of rock and tree are included perfectly. No nits or suggestions.


I agree with you completely. Those strong vertical lines pull my eyes right to the trees. Their mix of green and yellow show up well and the foreground rocks tell about a small alcove supporting life in a rugged area.

I love this image love the textures and the lines. The color contrast between the orange and greens is lovely.
The trees for me also add a sense of scale, makes me feel the grandiose of the canyon