(W-repost) River Tern fishing

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Is this a composite: No
Canon R 5; 500 mm; ISO 250; 1/2500 sec. at F 4.5


Wow! Excellent image, Jagdeep! I love the position of the tern’s wings, as well as the water droplets flying behind.

If this image were mine, I would be tempted to crop out the green along the top, as it pulls my eye away from the subject. That said, I understand that it would eliminate some of the water droplets that I do so love, haha!

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Another Wow here! The water and the wing position is so dynamic and full of energy. Great colors and highlights on the feathers, too. Instead of cropping the green you could try a few things to tone it down - painting with color so it more closely matches the water, using frequency separation to paint color pixels from the water to the land while maintaining the land’s texture or you could just darken and desaturate. You wouldn’t want to lose those water drops. Too incredible.

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Beautiful, Jagdeep. The water spray really makes this for me. The almost heart shaped pattern in the spray wold have made this a cool Valentine’s Day post.

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What a great Tern action image ,high energy here indeed. Lovely shot.

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Thank you @Kris_Smith !
I really appreciate your suggestion!

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Absolutely wonderful capture!! Toning down the green is the first thing I thought when I saw the thumbnail. A Hue-Sat or Selective Color adjustment might do it with just some simple masking for the yellows in the bird.

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Love the wing position and water spray. Excellent capture.

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Here’s the repost as per the valuable suggestion from @Kris_Smith

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That looks amazing! A winner.

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Great action shot, and the water patterns are priceless! You did an excellent job in the repost as well, I should check out how to do that, it come in handy :wink: … Anyway, great shot to start with and some nice PP as well. Love it! Hans

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Excellent tweak! And congratulations on the well-deserved EP!

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That repost is amazing. Not sure how you did it but it turned out perfect! Could either you or @Kris_Smith explain how this is done? Remarkable. Sounds like @Hans_Overduin would like to know as well. I am not versed at all on frequency separation.
Just a beautiful wing and head position and the feet are well lit. Everything you could ask for.

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Thanks @David_Haynes & @Hans_Overduin !
I may not be able to explain it well, but will give you a broad idea , you may then go to YouTube and watch few videos and should be able to do it.

Usually frequency separation is used to finish portraits. In FS you separate the colors and texture of the image on different layers, one layer carries the color and other carries the textures. You may separately treat the colors and textures on different layers to finish the image and then combine them.

In this case in particular, I took the color layer and painted the green color with foreground brown color.

Just hope, it helps!