Walk in the Red Woods

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I think the photo does a good job of capturing the essence of the scene as I experienced it. Perhaps I could have corrected the key stoning of the trees , but it doesn’t really bother me.

Creative direction

I find photographing woodlands difficult . When in the woods the moment is often peaceful, quiet, perhaps tranquil. However the natural nature of the woods in a photo often look chaotic with branches etc. going every which way, thus making it difficult to communicate the “feeling” you experience while being in the woods.
In this photo I’ve attempted to use controlled light and darkness as a way to simplify the scene. It’s a photographic style I’m attempting to develop.

Specific Feedback

Do you find the photo visually appealing ? Do you find the darkness aids in simplifying the photo and aids in reducing visual distractions in woodland photo’s.

Technical Details

F5 ISO 200 1/13 sec. under exposed 2 stops


an early morning hike in the redwoods.

Hi Doug! Those does feel like a peaceful image to me, it seem like you chose a great spot and technique to simplify the scene.

The post (and the wire on it) in the FG caught my attention a little. The bottom 1/4 of the image feels a little bright to me relative to the rest of the image. I dont know if its processing or the lack of tree litter that gives the lighter look.

(disclaimer - I’m a beginner and new here!)

The wire is a really good point. I never noticed it but you are absolutely right. Perhaps I should have made to foreground path a little darker .It’s sand so it shows more. I printed the photo in the print. I don’t find the path distracting. Of course from now on I’ll only see the wire LOL… thanks for taking the time to comment.

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Doug for me the photo has a strong structure, simple, with leading converging lines and with a clear trend from foreground to background, from light to dark, from well saturated lighted reds to low saturated and dark green. There is a bit of mistery in the dark and without colors bottom where the trends end. Thus you have reached you purpose of simplifying the chaotic wood.

WOW you are very kind. Thankyou for your comments and taking the time to express them.