War against time

This is a typical abandoned farmhouse in Wisconsin and one I’ve passed by a bunch of times without noticing. When I did I was frustrated and maddened by the No Trespassing signs that kept me from investigating further. I’d LOVE to go poke around this old place that looks like it started much smaller and was added onto over time. Also like many abandoned houses, its fields are still in use either by the owners or to people leasing the land.

Specific Feedback Requested

Even though it was May and things were greening, I deliberately processed this for a stranger look - not quite bleak, but not inviting either. Does it work? There is no other way to shoot this unless I trespass, which I won’t do.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Handheld, but probably propped on the fence blocking the driveway.


Lr processed for white balance and color management - particularly saturation. Also I remember paying attention to clairty levels and did some lens correction & transform geometry adjustment.


Kris, I really like the processing, it gives it a very foreboding feel, terrific for this time of year. :slight_smile:

I like the long path/driveway leading up to the house. It gives us a sense of distance. I envision walking up that path and contemplating the house–is it haunted? Good ghosts or bad? Kinda fun.

I wondered about cropping some, but that would diminish the path and probably make the house less mysterious.

I’m with you, I’d love to explore that house closeup.