Water Power

This is near the top of Bridal Veil Falls in Keystone Canyon near Valdez, Alaska. I liked this zoomed in detail shot better than the image of the whole falls (I’ll put the full falls photo in a comment so you can see the whole Story)

Sony a6500, SEL100400GM @ 181mm, f/4.0, 1/800, ISO-100, hand held.

This is the whole Bridal Veil Falls. If you look near the very top you will see where the posted image came from. I would have posted this as a separate challenge post but there is only one more day left in the challenge and I have another one I want to post.

I like the horizontal crop in this image. The intimate view of the falls flanked by the vegetation makes this work. So difficult to get meaning from the whole falls unless you have a good POV.

The large version is particularly nice, Gary. Your faster SS choice has created some very nice detail in the water. I think this is a perfect example of less is more because you have captured the essence of the falls. Nicely done.

The tight view does a great job of emphasizing the heavy flow and splashing energy to the water, Gary. The view of the full falls is nice, but it’s missing the drama in the tight view.