Water to Ice

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I haven’t made many other images like this, though I feel I was able to successfully capture the flow of the water and the beauty of the ice in the river, complimented by the rock. I think it successfully inspires feelings akin to those I felt while there. I like the snow that was falling as well. I feel it compliments the flow of the water, though I wonder if the image may have been better without it.

Creative direction

I wanted to really capture the beauty and stillness of the ice in the water in addition to the contrast of the quickly flowing water.

Specific Feedback

Is the snow around the rock to bright?
How does the falling snow fit in the image? Could I have done anything better with it?

Technical Details

F13, iso 31, 95mm, 1/13s
Nikon z7ii


I was actually trying to get a shot of another spot along this river when I noticed the rock in this photo. I decided this would make a better composition than the other spot, and I believe it turned out well.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

A lot of visual interest in your image. I like this section of the river with the water flow around the “island.” I don’t know if the falling snow adds anything to the image cause it’s not that noticeable, but it certainly doesn’t detract from the image IMHO.
I don’t feel the snow is too bright. I just wish the two rocks on either side of the “island” weren’t cut off, but that’s just minor. There might have been some elements you didn’t want included with a wider view. All in all I really like the image.

Bryant, I’d say you’ve succeeded in showing the stillness of the ice against the flowing water. You’ve got a good amount of both movement and texture as well as wintertime color in the water. Seeing the snow takes a bit more looking, but that’s the kind of extra that I believe adds to making a photo worth looking at repeatedly.

Thanks! I did get another shot a little more diagonal with more included to the right of the large rock. I think I still prefer the more horizontal shot, but this one might be more appealing to some.

Thanks for that point of view. I appreciate your perspective. I think I would agree that noticing the snow could be more additive to the story of the photo than detractive.