Wet Glacier Lily

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


With daily rain showers, I thought it would be easy to find wet Glacier Lilies in Yellowstone. However, finding Lilies in bloom and a place to pull over (off the road) turned out to be difficult. I finally found a spot where there was a paved pullout and lots of Glacier Lilies. This is a 61 shot stack to get the flower and the stem sharp.

Technical Details

R5, 180mm macro, 1/100 s, f/8, iso 800, tripod.

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Oh my Mark, this one was worth the effort. Gorgeous shot. I love everything about it. The colors in the BG blend beautifully with the yellow flower. The Lily is stunning. I love how the stem loops up and down to the inverted flower. The rain drops are an added bonus, especially the one little drop hanging off the bottom of the LB pedal . With 61 stacks, the sharpness is spot on. Love it as is.

Quite bold and detailed for sure. I like the way they nod downwards which seems distinct for a lily. Your choice of crop is interesting and I can’t see any issues with the stack. Amazing it stood still enough for that many photos! I never get that lucky.

Such a beauty, Mark. As @Donna_Callais it was worth the effort I’m sure. I love the water drops on it. It is an interesting how the stem bends and the bloom hangs. I don’t think I noticed them in Yellowstone (been 9 years though). Really nice shot.

A lot of trouble - well woprth it

Nice exposure and great color balance as well as composition

WOW, how many rolls of film was that?.. :clown_face:
A wonderful image here, Mark. Your hard work & scouting things out really paid off nicely. This flowering arched position reminds me of our historic arched street lights throughout certain areas of So Cal… :cowboy_hat_face:

Great shot of one of my favorite subjects! I bet it was tough to get that low with that lens! What software do you use to stack? Other that occasional loss of sharpness, I don’t see any halos, amazing!

@Paul_Breitkreuz…let’s see, slides from New York with processing @ $8 per unit of 36…

@Paul_Holdorf , I use Helicon Focus. I did an NPN Webinar several years ago that did some comparing between Helicon, Zerene and Photoshop, that you may want to look at.

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This is really nice Mark. I love those water drops. A nice clean image too and great job with the stacking! 61 images, that’s just crazy. :slight_smile:

How did I miss this?? Wonderful, with a gorgeous subject and perfect stack!