It’s easy to get complacent - even bored with places you frequent often. It’s easy to overlook things in places like Yosemite when one is often distracted by crowds, construction or just plain repetition. I say this quite lightly because I can’t think of anything that will prevent me from returning here - at least until I’m no longer able to.
I’m posting a snapshot of the scene just to show the origins of this ICM. This was actually taken about 30 min after the Fern Spring image posted last week. The straight shot is not something I’ve ever considered photoraphing - very high dynamic range, it’s right on the road and just not something I would normally consider. That is until you throw away convention and try something different.
This one involves two movements. the main movement is a vertical one,; starting high and motioning downwards. Then, just before the end of the 1/4s exposure, change direction towards the horizontal. It’s somewhere between luck and finess… you decide, but of course involves trial and error…
The result is a vertical motion and a secondary horizontal movement. This is really effective when you have highlights in the scene - such as the bright blue sky above the vibrant backlit Big Leaf Maple leaves.
Specific Feedback Requested
As always, your comments and feedback are welcome. Very curious how this one comes across.
Technical Details
Nikon D800E, 28-300mm @28mm (cropped 1/2 to square) f/16 @1/4s iso 50