Whooping Crane

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Finding a pair of whooping cranes grazing at close range in Aransas NWR was exciting to see. Unfortunately the light was a bit harsh, so not the best photo.

Specific Feedback

any suggestions are welcome

Technical Details

Nikon Z8 150mm ISO 64 1/500, f8.

Hi Dan, I’m envious you saw this bird. Exciting for sure. I like the composition with the environmental aspect of water and plants. Good pose and excellent detail in the head. A couple of very small things: there’s a bit of green adjacent to the upper bill I’d probably clone out and I’d remove the white spot to the right of the neck which tends to draw my eye and probably the white spot to the left as well.

Wonderful opportunity! The head/neck is the interesting part, with the BG not very attractive and a lot of the body with featureless whites. I think you could go for a vertical much tighter crop, and bring out more detail in the whites in the neck and the darks on the face. WB is also on the blue side.

Hi Daniel, congrats on finding this bird - not sure I have ever seen one. I like the angle of the bird’s head facing us and nice view of the eye/face. I do like Diane’s crop suggestion to highlight the head and neck and bring up the shadows on the face. TFS this intriguing bird.

I would love to have the opportunity to shoot this bird, well done! I wonder if shooting from a lower angle would spread out the busy background, resulting in less detail back there and more isolation of the subject. I usually forget to do that myself, but I am trying to remember.

Good idea. Thx

I agree about the WB and will re-crop as per your suggestion. Thx