Yellow Waxtail

I saw several of these damselflies (Ceriagrion coromandelianum) beside a lotus pond in Korea two days ago. They like to inhabit areas with long grass, and often pose on the leaves. (Also known as Coromandel Marsh Darts).

Specific Feedback Requested

Is the background too saturated?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D500 + 105mm macro f13 1/320 ISO 500

Ran through Topaz Denoise, adjusted Highlights and Curves a little in PS; removed a piece of leaf in UR corner.


Mike …am still looking at the dof you have achieved, and the bg looks ok for me. Nice work

Balan Vinod

Beautiful, Mike. You managed to get the perfect angle to get it all in great focus. I love the lighting that makes the wing membranes just disappear, leaving nothing but the web structure.

Excellent. I love the DOF as well. I don’t think the background is overly saturated, but toning it down might accentuate the damselfly…gotta keep the fly colors as they are though.

Wonderful detail and composition, Mike. I’m not sure how you would do this, but I do like the suggestion @David_Bostock made about desaturating the background a bit. Very nicely seen and captured.

Mike, this is a really nice capture of this damselfly. Excellent details in him, and that nice smooth BG really supports the subject. I like the slanted perch too.

Wonderful capture of this tiny subject! The BG is OK for me because the damsel is so brightly colored that the BG doesn’t overpower it or distract from it, but it could also work to make it just a bit less strong. It would be easy to mask out the damsel.

Here’s the damselfly with BG toned down a bit (reduced vibrance). I’m afraid @Diane_Miller the lotus flowers are finished now - but I may find one for stacking in our local arboretum indoor pond later.

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The rework does indeed make the damselfly stand out. Nicely done, sir.

Desaturation of the BG is all that is needed. Diagonal comp suits this colorful character nicely…Jim

Mike this is a very striking damselfly with it’s green and yellow colors. The background in the rework lets the damsel stand out a bit more, which is nice.

Wow, a nice improvement, and I was happy with your first post.