Zebra Swallowtail

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Canon 5ds-r with 180mm Macro lens and 1.4 Extension at 1/250 sec and iso 500

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Wayne, what a beauty! That is one pretty butterfly. You captured nice details in him. The side view really shows him off nicely. The background is a bit more busy than I would like, but sometimes where they land and the short period of time they are still doesn’t allow us to get at an angle where we might have a less distracting background. Very nice.

Thanks Shirley, This is the first Zebra I’ve seen, especially intact and undamaged. The butterfly bush flowers are loosing some of its petals which leaves a blue/brown background.

I love the photo John. The details came out very well and you are right, butterflies land in the most complex area. I think they plan that when a camera is around

That is a dandy looking butterfly. It looks big and in good shape. You really got a good side view of it.

Beautiful butterfly, I’ve never seen this kind before! You captured it beautifully!

Hi Wayne, the butterfly looks really nice here - a great showy subject to capture. The background is busy but the swallowtail still steals the show in this image.

Beautiful shot, Wayne. One of my favorite butterflies, and you captured it nicely.

Thanks guys, I appreciate your comments. I was lucky to notice this butterfly and hope to post other shots with a better or less busy background.

Hi John,

You can’t ask for a more perfect specimen to pose for you and you have both tails in perfect condition. Very nice and sharp and the whites are controlled well. The BG is not perfect, but does not bother me that much due to the perfection of the butterfly. Well done…Jim