Zebra Swallowtail

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Is this a composite: No
Canon 5dMkIII with 180mm Macro lens and 1.4 Ext. at f-5, 1/250 sec., and ISO 500. Used gaussian blur to soften background, Photoshop to crop and Lightroom.


Wayne, I love the composition of this image, with the flower tilt right in line with the butterfly. The BG supports him well. I am not sure if you cropped in a lot, but when I bring it up large, the butterfly and the flower seems to not look as sharp as it should. It almost looks like it is pixelating. I haven’t tried the 1.4 on the 180, so I am not sure if that has something to do with it Might be my old eyes. :grinning: I do love the colors and the composition. That is one beautiful butterfly!

Hi Shirley, I used the gaussian blur on this one and if i’m not too careful painting out the blur it can soften the outlines. I have others that are more detailed and I will try the blur on one of those.
Thanks, Wayne