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Not a particularly good year this year.
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GFX50R camera
Not a particularly good year this year.
GFX50R camera
I remember many great photos from you this year - A Perilous Journey, The Fortress, Leaves and Twigs, Suspended, Golgotha, Coastal Shapes and Forms, Panamint Flowers. I think you are editing your work ruthlessly, in a sense that is good, but don’t be to hard on yourself.
Hi @Igor_Doncov , I think Youssef is correct, you have shared many lovely images even just in the short while I have been a member here. Even while driving for perfection it is important as the year ends to reflect on the volume fine work you have achieved. All the best!
Yesterday, at a Christmas eve party I offered to make a framed print of any of my images. Two people took me up on the offer.
The first wanted this image. ‘I like any image with the sea’.
The second was this one. A David Muench special. This type of image was very popular in the Sierra Club Calendars when I first got serious about photography. It probably still is.
It’s clear that I have gone in a different direction and that it will not generate the same interest from the general public. I’m OK with that.
The thing about art is that you never know if you it’s good or not. There’s no firm ground, no absolutes. I I guess I like that about it.
I’m with Youssef and and Guy - you shared many interesting and thought provoking photos this year. A few I particularly was drawn to - Beautiful Junk, Conception’s Ghost, Last Snow, Of Bats & Cats, and Arctic Sublime (I’d hang that one over the sofa ).
I definitely don’t like Last Snow. It’s one of my weakest images. I was very surprised with that EP.
When my daughter was in school, she would consistently come away from finals convinced she had flunked. In tears she would lament how devastating it would be. Consistently, not only would she pass, but the professor would throw her score out so that it didn’t skew the curve. Your assessment of your year reminds me of that.
With that said, I love what you posted here. I’m especially attracted to that first one and its Jurassic vibe. Having grown up on Arizona Highways magazine (and being the fan of Pablum that I am), I really like that last image too.
The second one is my fav, An image to investigate. Interesting lightning and composition.
Hmmm. Compositionally, it isn’t as complex as most of your other work, but it does evoke the location. Why don’t you like it now?
I wish I knew. I think it looks contrived somehow. Maybe I just got tired of it. I really never liked it that much from the start. There was never a ‘wow’ moment when I took it. It was more like ‘this might work’. And I changed it a lot to make it work.
Igor, you’ve posted many excellent images throughout the year. I especially remember and enjoy the first of these two, it is so green, mysterious and inviting.
Igor, are you sure you’re not just trolling for praise with your lack of enthusiasm for your own images.? Of course I’m just joking . I know you set high standards for yourself and sometimes might be a little too self critical, But I along with many others feel you have presented many great images this past year. My favorites along with the first two here are:
The Fortress, Canyon Walls, Suspended, A Pocket (showing you haven’t completely abandoned your David Muench influences), Of Bats and Cats.
You have moved on into your own thing and that’s a good thing. You have a certain style. I’m still just shooting pretty images that thousands of others have already done.
There may be a bit of truth in that. The opposite is also true. In my culture humility is greatly admired. But the truth is that to be creative is to always seek the new and therefore the old goes into the dust bin. The moment you start being too satisfied you’re in trouble.
I like that first capture a lot. I would not change a thing. Ethereal spot. Was this at the Hoh rain forest up in Olympic National Park? Curious.
No it was not. It was at the coastal redwood park just south of Crescent City. I go there often in the summer to get away from the smoke of the wildfires near Bend. I find it best to stay at the campground in the park in order to catch the early morning fog, which also engulfs the campground. I shoot until maybe 10-11 and then vegetate until evening. Most photographers go there for the ‘god rays’ or the rhododendrons in June.
Nice spot! If I’m ever anywhere near there, I will make a point of stopping there.
Ohhhh, that first one is so nice. I need to visit rainforests more often.