A moment after near zero visibility - Needles Overlook, Utah

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Me and my wife did a road trip to Utah over the Christmas holidays, here’s one of the first photos I processed, plenty of left.

This is from the Needles Overlook, bit south and west from Moab. The overlook itself is not part of the any nearby National Parks, but looking down to Canyonlands NP.
This was unplanned spot on our trip, luckily we had an “extra” day in Moab as one day was quite rainy, so we decided to drive south to Needles area of the Canyonlands NP, which we did not originally plan to go. On the way back to Moab we took this side trip to Needles Overlook.
When we arrived to parking lot it was around 32F and wet snow was coming down sideways, visibility was probably 20ft. When I was ready to give up, probably after waiting 20-30mins, I saw it started clearing up and suddenly I was looking this view.

Specific Feedback

Final colors seem to give me the biggest trouble, maybe others feel this as well - you work with the images, staring them with high zoom level etc. Finally think it’s done, and then half an hour later you take a new look and there’s either color cast you don’t like or too much/little saturation etc. So please let me know if something bothers on that aspect.

All other feedback is welcome as well. Sky is blended from shorter exposure so if I missed anything with the blending etc., thanks!

Technical Details

Nikon Z9 with 16-35mm f/4 at 16mm & f/9
1/8sec and 1/15sec (sky and foreground details). I also had focus stacked images, but did not end up using them as there wasn’t really a need.

Here’s a phone photo bit after we arrived and I was brave enough to get out of the car.

Hi @KasperiS !

The colours look right to me! I love the lines formed by the edge of the foreground to the ULC , and the plateau tapering off the other way.

It looks to me like there is a spot just above that hill on the plateau where the sky is a little too bright - it captured my attention when I first looked.

I don’t see as much detail in the cliff below the plateau towards the right side of the image, maybe it’s the processing or the angle of the light, I’m not sure

(a little disclaimer - I’m a beginner, and it’s my first time posting critique here :slight_smile:)

Thanks Matt, excellent points and completely missed that too bright spot on the sky transition. Need to check the original file but definitely looks like a blending mistake.

And welcome to NPN, I’m quite new member as well :slight_smile:

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