A Pine and a peak

Obviously I do not process my images in any sort of chronological order. This one is from this past Summer in the Sierra. I think it is Royce Peak but I am not exactly sure. All feedbacks are welcome. I am especially not sure about the color rendition of the sky in the image.

Two images focus stacked. D750, 155mm, f/16, 1/100, ISO 150.

Revised with a darker sky and more saturated blue:

Added overall contrast using Dehaze and then darken/added extra contrast on the background mountain:


You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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The gold light on the foreground, with the nice shadows, is lovely. The peak is nicely composed in the background too, but you might darken and saturate the sky a bit to make it stand out more:

This jpg version posterizes a bit, but hopefully working with the original it doesn’t. You could also move the sky a little less than I did.

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Thanks, @John_Williams. Indeed, as soon as I see your suggestion, I could see how washed out my sky looks like. I found rendering the blue sky in a pleasing way in this image was hard. When I first tackled this it went too electric and I pulled back probably too much. I ended up going a little bit less than you went but honestly I feel that it could go either way.

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My contribution to your question.

Hi Adhika,
For me, the image feels a little tight, everything too close to the edge and too much in the frame. The peak is interesting on its own and the cleft rock or tree would set it off nicely, but with all three, feel like the composition lacks coherence. I’m also undecided on the light. It feels maybe 30 minutes later (or earlier?) than ideal.

That said, I’m sure this was a wonderful scene to behold.

The composition is solid but the peak with the snow feels overexposed to me. I think you just had hard lighting conditions and did the best you could.

I do like @Ben_van_der_Sande’s handling of the sky and the nearby tree.


I too like the composition and especially the juxtaposition between the foreground tree/rock and the looming peak/sky in the background; there’s a nice balance between the two. And for some reason this doesn’t give that 50/50 confusion.

I do agree with the others about the peak and sky; mostly the peak feeling a little washed out. The “color” is somewhat subjective, but I think looks pretty natural given the angles, time of day, etc. I do however really like Ben’s version. Didn’t mention what he did to achieve, but for me the peak looks good with some added detail and contrast, which is lacking in the original. I’d take Ben’s, but cut back on the yellow.

Definitely a mountain landscape worth tweaking.


@Lon_Overacker, @Adhika_Lie , This is what I did with the image.I hope it comes over OK.

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Nicely framed High Sierra scene, Adhika. I like the direction @John_Williams took the file but I think the image still lacks contrast. I added some dehaze via a TK7 Action,

@Ben_van_der_Sande, @Marylynne_Diggs, @Igor_Doncov, @Lon_Overacker, @Dave_Dillemuth thank you so much!

I like the idea of having more contrast in the peak that Ben showed in his edit. At first I thought the “haze” added some kind of depth to the peak separating it from the FG but after seeing what Ben showed I think it’s not as bad as I thought it would be when I started this. I also like Dave’s suggestion for the overall contrast with Dehaze. I didn’t go as far as what Dave showed but it’s more a matter of taste at this point. I can see it either way. I have incorporated these into the original post above.

Marylynne, it’s always good to hear a different view on the composition and there is certainly no right or wrong about this matter. I do realize that it’s a busy scene though and in a way, I was happy that I had a clear blue sky. I think if there were clouds in the sky, I would end up with an image that is way too busy.

@Dave_Dillemuth, is this Royce Peak? This was taken from the lower Pine Lake on my way to Granite Park.

Excellent job on the rework Adhika. Thanks for taking the time and effort. Mucho improve!


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Not certain from this angle but I think it might be Feather Peak. Royce Peak happens to be the mountain in my recently posted image entitled Summer Blues.

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I think I like your 2nd rework, the third image down the best.

I’m liking Dave’s color treatment, @Adhika_Lie. Dialing in that mountain/sky color temp and contrast takes this up a big notch.

Thanks, @Michael_Lowe! I appreciate it.

@Marylynne_Diggs When I boosted the contrast on the second rework, I did see the saturation went up and I liked it, too. I didn’t go as far as Dave did but I think it is a matter of personal preference than anything else.