A Sunning Vulture

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any/All

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any/All

Any pertinent technical details: I shot this guy early one morning as it was sunning itself (warming up/disinfecting?) D500, Nikon 2-500mm, 1/2000th, f/5.6, ISO 10,000, 500mm, cropped to 4160 x 2991, hand held.

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Hi Dave,
Nice pose you captured and I like the lichen on the perch. I wish the head was turned more toward us. I’d see about lowering the ISO to reduce the noise on the bird especially in the blacks. An interesting image overall.

I really like the light on the vulture, Dave, though I agree that it would have been nice if it had given you a better head turn. The out of focus green leaves are a bit of a distraction.