a wish for mother, 2020

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Does your eye settle anywhere?
If not, does that bother you?
Does the geometry/structure of the composition resolve to you?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

This is an ICM image of snow on a pine bough.

Technical Details

Handheld capture. Processed in LR.

EXIF data:

LR settings:
Basic panel:

Effects panel:

Specific Feedback

All comments welcome.

Aesthetic and technical: Does the B&W processing help or hinder the appeal of the image?

Matt, my eye seems to settle on that dark circle up top. I think the overall composition feels out of balance with the darker area along the bottom edge. Perhaps a square crop would help with that. My mind also wants to rotate the image counterclockwise.

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Thanks for your feedback, @Alfredo_Mora.

This feels unbalanced to me because of the locations of the dark areas (LLC, LRC, round area near top). It seems like it should be more balanced, with the dark areas on the bottom giving the image a “base”, but it doesn’t feel that way. If you want that unbalanced feeling, it works that way.

I’m with Alfredo on the square crop. For me, there’s two images here - a square of the top with the dark circle the focal point, and a square(ish) on the bottom, with the three dark areas making a triangle.

Hard to tell if the b&w treatment helps/hinders without seeing the color version.

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@Bonnie_Lampley Thanks for your insights and comments.

Well, I was unsure about this image and now I know that it ain’t got it. There are things about it I like such as the juxtaposition of sharp and blurred elements and the rounded shape of the whitish blurred element (snow), but they aren’t enough to keep it in rotation. OUT!!