Against the Wind

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


It was the end of the day in Yellowstone, and we were heading back to our cars. Having been in a snow coach all day looking for wildlife, we were all tired. The weather took a turn and the wind kicked up (and was it cold!) and then we came across a few elk looking for their dinner. I was tired, but left the snow coach anyhow to get a few shots of this guy working his way up the hillside.

Technical Details



I like the blurred, wind driven snow! Lighting is tough in these conditions. I personally might have reduced the exposure a bit in post processing, but in the moment I suspect it was as bright as you’ve represented it. The composition looks nice too. Sometimes in Yellowstone, you have to move back, versus zooming out, but it might also have been nice to see more of the tufts of grass and their accompanying snow drifts. Really nice image!

Thank you Paul for your feedback. I have to go back and look, I may have some shots that does have more to it than this one. The wind and snow was the kind that just felt like it was driving tiny nails into your skin. We were all so cold, I can’t even imagine these animals living in these conditions all the time. I know they are built for it…more so than us humans, I still wanted to give him a warm toasty throw blanket. :slight_smile: Thanks again for your input, I do appreciate it!

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They are all really tough critters aren’t they. Of course, they don’t really know it could be better, they just take what they are given. Probably a lesson in that for we humans! We live in Bozeman and go to Yellowstone a lot more in the winter than in the summer. I have a shot of a bison in a windstorm that I had thought about posting to this theme.

@Judi_Hastings I think this image fits the theme perfectly! Very nice! The shutter speed you chose blurs the snow just right. The contrast is a bit low for my taste – consider increasing the contrast and/or clarity and/or texture to bring out the detail of the blowing snow.

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Hi! Thank you for your thoughts. I will go back in and play some more with the image. I love hearing what others think to improve my image.

Thank you again!

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