The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Did NPN start doing something different? Don’t know why image is displaying so small. It’s the same size I always post. It’s 2100 pixels on long side but is displayed at 1075.
The opening phrase of John Denver’s iconic song has become a major slogan of West Virginia’s tourism industry. It is also an apt description of the wonders of this beautiful state.
My brother and I decided to time the weather conditions for a short stay to catch the fall colors.
Blackwater Falls, Blackwater Falls State Park, WV
Since I was standing there shooting with you I have to say that I quite like this image. The fall colors are particularly beautiful and frame Blackwater Falls perfectly. There is a little hint of mist in the BG which I also enjoy as it adds to the atmosphere. We did time the fall colors just about right IMO. My only suggestion; and this is being pretty picky; would be to try and bring out the yellows in the BG a little more. I wish I had been able to spend one more day in those conditions!
Oh this is such a classic landscape - the foliage and the framing it provides to the waterfall is great. Just enough to not be incidental if you know what I mean. And the mist in the lower part of the valley is a nice presence to have - certainly sets off the richness in the colors well. After reading Ed’s comments, I wonder if using the Point Color tool in Lr/ACR could work to bring up the luminance in the yellows just a little bit. I find that works nicely to enhance contour and modeling in a scene with this much depth.
NPN has a file size limit of 3mb so if your file is larger it will compress it.
Thanks @_Kris I understand the compression for the larger file size, but I thought you could compress without resizing, unless that was the only way to get it down to that small a size. The last image I posted of Douglas falls was basically the same file size as this and it rendered @ 2150 pixels.
Sometimes the file doesn’t properly render or something even if it’s under the 3mb limit. Maybe try uploading it again? If I move off a submission page too quickly sometimes my picture gets stuck like this, too. It’s weird. If it continues maybe ping David & see if something is amiss w/the image server.
The scene is beautiful with the colorful trees in the front and the white water setting the mood drawing you it. I had to take a second look as we have similar scenes in the western mountains of Maine. Nature is amazing and so it you image, a real beauty Michael.
Lovely!! Framing the falls from this viewpoint worked very well, with the trees adding a lovely depth that brings the eye back to the falls. Good thought by @Kris_Smith to add a little punch to the BG – I think that could complete a circle of subtle yellows that frame the falls.
I agree with Kris. This image has almost certainly been resized by NPN. It’s not a question of the size in terms of pixels but in terms of megabytes. I would suggest specifying less detail during the export. A value of 6 seems to always create an image smaller than 3 megabytes for me.
I’m still not understanding @Igor_Doncov . The image was resized down to 1075 pixels on the long edge by NPN. But I’ll just see what happens on my next post.
One nit. The bright yellow tree on the left, against a relatively dark background, offers the highest contrast in the image and keeps tugging my eye away from the falls. The yellow in that area is also brighter and / or more saturated than most of the foreground leaves . You might want to consider reducing the luminance and/or saturation in that tree to match that of the other foreground trees.
A really great shot and absolutely no nits from me! I’m guessing this is an older image or are you still shooting with the D200 now? In any case I like these types of “classic” landscape images that were shot without using extremely wide focal lengths and where the foreground becomes super dominant in the frame.