Aloe flowers

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


These bloom in January in Phoenix. Not much does. I was shooting at f/2 so not much is in focus but I’m coming to like the soft look you get with large apertures.

Specific Feedback

I’m not sure about the white balance and color.

Technical Details

f/2, 1/125th, ISO 100.


The BG color is unusual and I’m not sure what the actual color should be without being there. Flower color looks good for an aloe…Jim

I love how the bloom is set against a field of these plants and there are echoing blooms going out of focus seemingly to infinitude. As to the question about the color, it looks to me as if it’s the leaves of the aloe plants in the background, in which case it looks good to me, if a bit unusual.

A lovely image.

Very nicely framed, Don. I love the background color. Our aloe blooms succumbed to hard frost a couple nights ago. They are very sad looking now.

Lovely - I love an OOF echo with flower photography. It’s sometimes difficult to pull off, but you did well here. The color combination is unusual and I like it. I’ve never seen aloe other than as a houseplant, so had no idea what the flowers looked like. Very cool. Do hummingbirds frequent them? They look like something they would like.

Jim, Dennis, Bonnie and Kris, thanks to all of you for commenting.

Dennis, what you call the “echoing blooms” were what grabbed me here.

Bonnie, we had pretty solid freezes the last two nights and our aloe flowers may also look sad. I haven’t thought to check.

Kris, I 've seen hummingbirds feeding an aloe flowers but I don’t know how common that is. Hummingbirds are from the western hemisphere and aloes are African so they don’t know each other in the wild.

I love this photo. I think it’s interesting and beautiful. I like the soft focus and the colors are very appealing to me. I also really like how the main flowering stalk is framed by the other blooms as Dennis mentioned.

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Thanks, Lorena.

I also love the color here! A gentle version of red-blue contrast.