This fern, surrounded by 4 big trees, in our local forest got my attention on a recent stroll along Trail 241. It’s been a very dry summer, and many of the ferns are somewhat wilted. But this one seemed so robust perhaps protected and supported by the 4 big trees and the wood wide web.
Specific Feedback Requested
Ideas for improvement, color, composition, etc.
Technical Details
24-105 f/4 at 27mm. Polarizer set to about half of the full effect. f/11, 1.3 sec , ISO 800. Three shot focus stack. Initially processed in LR, especially masks to d&b and auto transform to correct perspective, then blended in PS and cleaned up a bit. Not a panorama.
This is superb! I don’t think anyone could have scripted this, or designed this scene any more perfectly. I think this must be a rare find to have such a cohesive and ordered presentation - despite being in a classically chaotic location - a forest!
This is just such a wonderful composition and arrangement of the elements. And 4 trees? who woulda thunk that 4 trees would be better than 3!
You description of how some ferns were wilty and not all of them looked the same just makes the beauty of this central fern all the more believable in terms of light, color and luminosity.
A beautiful scene and beautifully captured. I have nothing - no nits or suggestions.
Mark, This is beautifully done! This photo works because of the separation that you’ve achieved in between the trees themselves. You have given them room to breathe. Without this the photo wouldn’t have been so compelling. To make the 4 main trees stand out more you could even do some dodging and burning on them and the background trees, but I really don’t even think that’s too necessary. You nailed this one!
It’s like a bouquet display except rather than being on a table it’s in the woods. The ‘opening up’ continues from the tern to the trees which for some reason seem to be leaning outwards. It’s really impactful. The only nit I have is that it feels slightly crowded on the bottom by the frame. I think it’s that one frond leaving the frame.
It almost looks as if the trees have gone in together to purchase and present a bouquet of ferns to us to enjoy. Strong tree trunks supporting the more fragile fronds. Great color and overall balance to the image.
A very satisfying composition of a group of red hued trees gathered around an emerald green camp fire. It works very well with lovely contrasting colours.