
This is the last of the series of Hawaiian native birds I will post for a while. This one has a fair amount of distractions that I was unable to remedy but one gets an idea of their environment. This one was taken in very little light at ISO 12,800 and is about 22% of the original full frame. If anyone viewing these images has an opportunity to go to the Big Island of Hawaii, try to find a guide who is willing to take you into the rain forest for this pretty amazing experience of seeing native species. The real trick of course is finding cooperative birds willing to land in a lighted area.

Specific Feedback Requested

Are the distractions to distracting? I thought about using the fill flash on some of these images but I’m afraid it would look too artificial. And I’m relatively sure that it would bother the birds.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
ISO 12,800, 400+1.4 X, F8, 1250th, Sony A7r4, 22% of full frame

Hi David,

This is an excellent feeding behavior shot and the comp is fine. If possible, cropping off more on the RH side might improve the comp slightly. The dark BG conceals and reduces most of the distracting elements in the frame. Well done…Jim

Excellent capture for an impossible-sounding situation! I think @Jim_Zablotny had a good idea about the right and that would remove the lighter area in the bottom half. I think I would burn the gray area below the bird. I would also burn the stem exiting at the UL corner and the part of a bright leaf along the UR edge.

Hi David, the others have made some good suggestions, I will just admire the image and the bird’s activity. Wonderful.

Well done for the conditions, David. To my eye, the bright greens in the upper left are a bit much. You might try pulling them down a bit.

Nice look at the bird in its environment and feeding behavior.