I iwi

Another native bird on the Big Island of Hawaii. These little rain forest inhabitants have a lot of color and an interesting beak. As with all of these native birds, they move quickly and the amount of light in their habitat is limited. Getting close to these birds is nearly impossible and a matter of luck having one land in a bright spot nearby.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any problems with the saturation?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
ISO 2000, 400+1.4 X, F8, 1250th, A7r4, 6% of full frame. So this is a very large crop.

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The sense of creeping forward is so great with the pose and the framing. You caught it perfectly in that opening. Saturation seems ok to me, vivid without being neon. The direct sun looks dramatic in that little stripe of it.

Despite the difficult lighting, you’re nailing these Hawaii shots. I like the pose and the way the bird is framed by the trees. The saturation seems okay, certainly not over the top.

Wow, sensational bird image, David. Well done all the way around.

Very cool seeing some of these species, especially during a time when their struggles are finally getting more publicity. I kind of think of this one as the standard bearer for Hawaii native species. It’s a great view of a beautiful bird, and as others have noted, the leaning pose is really wonderful.

Hi David
The I iwi is a tad neon, but there is no clipping of blown out coloring to the bird and nature did give a great coloring. I like the framing a spotlight look of this photograph.

Excellent, David. Beautiful light on the bird.