American Kestrel

This Kestrel was flying sorties from the tree to the ground, probably in search of insects. Unfortunately, I only managed to catch it in the air once and the image quality wasn’t quite there. I did get a series of another Kestrel hovering on the same outing though it was rather small in the frame. I’ll post some of those later.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Sony a1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, hand held from car, f/9, iso 1600. I’m not sure of the rest of the data. I’m posting this from a laptop and apparently I was saving the exif to the wrong location and it’s not with me. This was a pretty fair crop.


Gorgeous bird and good details, Dennis. I’ve never actually seen a Kestrel, but it’s on my list!

They are such cute little things. All fluffy and innocent looking. Deceiving! I have never seen one either so this is a treat even if it isn’t posing perfectly. Good catch!

Very nice capture of the wonderful colors and markings of the Kestrel, glad you got it peeking through the V in the twig.

Dennis, I love the “eye” he is giving you through the branches. We have had the Kestrel show up here in the wintertime for a few years, but the last couple I haven’t been able to get out as far from the house to know if he is in our area at all. Once time he did come into our yard and I got a few shots of him through our window, but nothing like this. I have found them to be very skittish. You did a wonderful job, with great details.

Nic job focusing through the branch, Dennis. These are such colorful birds.

I gave my cloning skills a workout here Dennis. I really like this image. This may not be perfect but I think that it had gets exposed a little better with this treatment. Just for fun…


Wonderful!! Excellent pose, detail and light, with the cool grays in the BG making the bird pop even more, and the cool browns a lovely analogous color to his warm browns. The ones I see are so skittish.

@David_Schoen did an excellent repair job!!

Excellent cloning job @David_Schoen

I’ve always liked peekaboo images, but your version probably appeals to more people.