Amongst the ancients

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This very old area of rainforest is one of our favourite camping areas in the south west of the South Island, NZ. It is dense, and in most places difficult to traverse, but it exudes a stong feeling of age-old wisdom. After being amongst it for a while we feel rejuvenated, but peaceful.

Specific Feedback

Any comments and suggestions for improvement are very welcome. I realise that there are many bits and pieces that could be cloned out, but this is the nature of much of our bushland (very dense) in this area and I feel that it should be portayed as it exists.

Technical Details

D810, 1/125s, f4, ISO 800
Cropped to remove as much sky as I thought necessary, minor tonal adjustments, and general sharpening.

Phil, this does feel ancient, thanks to all of the hanging bits. I like how you’ve balanced the two ferns(??) on the right with the big trunk on the left. You’ve caught a fine quiet feeling. I wonder about pushing the color balance slightly warmer (more yellow in the distance), but that could easily reduce the sense of quiet. The soft light (looks like overcast) sure lets the details show well.

Thanks for your comments Mark.