An Opening


This was an opportunistic scene that happened while travelling on the Ice Fields Parkway. The storm kept clearing as we drove south and I saw this opening in the rear vision mirror and pulled over to take a shot before the mountain was engulfed in clouds.

I processed this low key as I feel that it gave a more dramatic mood which I think was fitting for the fast moving atmospherics. I also processed with a transition from dark to light for foreground to background. I was happy to forego some foreground detail as I was looking to move the viewers eye further into the frame.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

1/500s, F11, ISO 400, 373mm

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Very nice pull over, Nathan. Some nice geometric shapes channeling the viewer and just enough detail without competing with the main show. Love that rock ledge in the dead center, a nice anchor point. Cloud cover is nice too.

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Hi @Nathan_Klein,

The low key aproach works great for me.
The composition is well balanced and as @Stephen_Stanton the geometric shapes on this iamge are very strong, not only channeling the viewer but also keeping the interest, for me, specialy those line on the back mountain and on the rock on the right.
I would maybe just raise the exposure of that reds on the LRC not undoing the low key aproach.

Other then that its gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing,

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