Anhinga Pair getting to know each other

Problems with background

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Audubon Swamp in SC.

Specific Feedback

I like the action here. The top image is too tight, but the second has a lousy background.
Any ideas?

Technical Details


The tenderness of the moment is touching. I much prefer the second image. I would remove the two light branches that go out of the frame at the top and burn the one at the top that curves over their heads or maybe remove it. The remove tool can clean up that area as much as you feel strentghens the composition. The vignetting also helps. I don’t think I would make it any darker. I believe there is more feather detail i the back areas on the male. That will also help add interest to him. Thanks, Steve, for sharing this picture with us.

I don’t mind the background in the second image at all, Steve, and I love the interaction between the two. Yeah, it would be nice if they were both out in the open, but that’s not what you get in their habitat.

Nice moment well captured and good job on exposing the black feathers. This image tells a powerful story regardless of the branches. I also prefer the second image.

I really like the second image best here Steve. Sorry to be so late in commenting. Out on the road last week. This is a nice moment. I like the touch m ore room on top too.