This is a bad image, but for folks who have not been to southern swamps, this is what pre-sunrise looks like.
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I spent two days at Audboun Swamp, and this pair was my favorite subject.
Specific Feedback
You guys always make my images better- Please, anything
Technical Details
Lumix S5II 400- 800
I corepted my SD card had to use recovery software lost all raw and meta data
I really like the Great Blue Heron image, Steve. The interaction is wonderful and all the branches and nest don’t detract-they just add to the environment. About the only thing I might think about doing is adding a touch of canvas on the right if you cropped from that side. I don’t think content aware fill would work well with the branches at the edge, so if you don’t have it , it’s no big deal. A fine image either way.
I like the look at the roost-I saw a very similar scene on the river in Costa Rica the day of my last post.
This is a great image of the herons. Should be on the cover of a magazine.
I expanded on the right top redo
Nice catch Steve - love the crossed beaks. Really tells a story. Maybe i’m guilty of extreme pixel peeping but i’m wondering if noise reduction was used on the birds. The feathers in certain areas look a tad overly smoothed out to me. A fine capture either way.
Nice job with the added canvas on the right, Steve. Just that little bit made a difference.
I like the crossed beaks and the implied intimacy in this Steve. I also find the fancy hairdoos really interesting. Not sure which is which.