Another view of Llyn Idwal taken the other Sunday at around first light.
This has been focus stacked and I’ve used some toning to bring out the colours in the sky. Aside from some tonal adjustments, output sharpening, and a few other slight tweaks, I’ve just let it be for now. However, I really like the composition and think there’s some more to be squeezed out of this one. Would like to revisit the processing when I’m in the right frame of mind and have the chance to spend a little more time on it.
Any thoughts on possible ways to improve the image would be most welcome.
The light in this image is fabulous! I suggest a crop of much of the snow below the bush. As is, the bush seems distracting and blocks my view into the photo. For some reason, placing it lower in the photo lessens its impact for me.
Thanks Tony,
I wasn’t sure if the colour toning was a little too strong? I’ll definitely be giving your suggestion a try about cropping off some of the snow in the part of the image, see how that looks
I think the technical aspects to the image are fine. The light, the colors, and the tones are all just right. The problem is that the bush is unattractive. It detracts from a good image.
I agree with the others that I think the color/toning of the snow and overall is quite lovely. What works is that the color/tone is picked up in the clouds and of course reflects on to the landscape.
Compositionaly, the foreground is kinda “blocking” the viewer’s eye from entering the scene. Of course that’s not quite literal since we can see and explore the entire scene. But it’s more of a mental thing with composition. I do think Igor’s suggestion of cropping some off the bottom would help in that regard.
Still curious about the lines in this and previous image. Rock fences?
Hi Igor, thanks for your comments. I was looking to include some foreground interest with the heather but I guess it’s a bit overpowering now you come to mention it. Something to keep in mind next time I’m out
Hi Lon, sorry I didn’t get back to you about the tracks. These are in fact stone walls. The Welsh hillsides are filled with these. I think they make for wonderful compositional elements, the way they can pull you deep into the scene
Hi John, Sorry for the slow uptake on this post. I’m going to disagree with the others about the bush (well sort of). I think the two diagonal lines that lead up to the bush create some nice lines that draw you in to the frame. Maybe the bush is a bit big, maybe not. I may have taken a step or two back to get the scale of the mountains and bush closer in proportion. That said, it doesnt offend me the way it is too much, but it does feature quite highly in the shot. I certainly wouldn’t crop away from below that bush.
Other than that I like the light and tones, although the purple/magenta may be a touch on the strong side in the sky.
No worries thanks for getting back to me. It was the two diagonal lines leading up to the bush that made me focus on the bush itself. I saw this more as an abstract triangle at the start of the frame helping to draw the eye into the scene. Probably should have given myself a bit more time whilst composing the shot to balance out the elements a little better.
Where colours are concerned, I’m finding it’s often a fine line between ‘eye catchiness’ vs. keeping things looking reasonably natural. Still can’t decide on this one though!
Yeah colour can be a tricky balance to get right. One of those things that is down to both taste and experience. I produced some ghastly things when I started out