I’m registered for the Out of Oregon Coast workshop, week 1. Anyone else doing that? I see David Kingham and Sarah Marino are among the instructors. Looking forward to work with y’all and others.
Looking forward to meeting you Marylynne! There have to be some other NPN members coming, right?
I haven’t heard about this. Can someone post a link?
Hey David,
Here is the link to week 1. There is a second week that isn’t sold out. I wanted a better chance of dry weather, so I chose the early week .
I would think so, but maybe the area is well trod by NPN folks now? For me, it’s a re-investment in getting out in the field. I did put on my questionnaire that I can do Cannon Beach on my own and would prefer lesser know vantage points. I’m sure Cannon beach will be a popular session for those coming to Oregon for the first or second time.
Looking forward to meeting you!
I will be teaching at Week 2, I think there’s room for a few more folks!
Wow, wish I had known about this earlier. I booked a NANPA trip to the Bandon area right in the middle of these two weeks. Well, maybe next time.
I’m not sure where I found it…one of those emails with a long list of workshops I think. It sounded like a nice variety lots if instructors. I’ve had a couple of iffy workshop instructors in the past, so being able to learn from a variety of instructors appealed to me.
I’m coming out for week 2. It’s a gift to myself after a couple of challenging years. Looking forward too seeing frie ds and colleagues and getting my feet wet