Arizona Sunset Up Close

This is my first time posting to a weekly challenge and came across this image I took back in 2020. I used the 2-meter Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak. The telescope projects this 39-inch image of the sun on the observing table and the photo was taken above it from my camera. It is quite a site to see and I have seen 737 aircraft passing through, yes you can see the windows.

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

Sunsets are always a harsh light, so any feedback is welcome.

Technical Details

6D2 with the 100-400mm at 107mm 1/15 f/10 ISO 640 I was about 8 feet above the table when I took this. No filters were used


Stunning, Dean. Sounds like quite a process.

I can’t envision the setup you described, but I like this image a lot. It’s simple but striking. It’s good to know that I shouldn’t go out there and aim at the sun to try to get a similar shot. :smiley: