Autumn Puzzle x 2

Sony A77II
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 400, 1/30 @ f32
I thought this would have been a great entry for the earlier jigsaw puzzle challenge but I took this shot this morning in our front yard so it arrived a few weeks late.

And this is the same leaf rendered in Illustration Mode. I like the higher contrast in this one but the greater detail in the original.
Sony A77II, Illustration Mode
Minolta 200mm macro
ISO 400, 1/80 @ f22

All comments welcome. >=))>

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Nice! I see we were on a similar wavelength earlier today :slight_smile:

I wonder how it would look with the dark stains lightened up a bit.

Bill, I really like both versions. The details in the original look great, with an outstanding set of veins and mix of water drops. The illustration mode is very striking with the drama that it’s treatment of the veins creates. It would make a delightful puzzle.

They are both very nice, Bill. I like what the Illustration mode did for you. I like the 3 lines of the leaf veins, just something about 3 in a photo. As Mark said, it would make for a delightful puzzle.