Badlands Snow V

Since I had so many comments about cropping out the sky on my last photo Badlands Snow IV, I thought I would post a frame that is more or less that. I’m not sure exactly where this was in relation to the last one, but the terrain looks similar. I also thought I’d try a black & white conversion.

7DII, 100-400 @ 170
f/5, 1/2000s, ISO200
TK curves adjustments

I am liking the abstract lines and shapes of the canyon and ridges. Put me down for the B&W version. To my eye, it makes it more abstract.

Oooh, lovely. Both versions are nice, but I prefer the color, just because I find that combination of brown and white to be very appealing. Harley has a point, though, that the b&w is more abstract.

I really like the color image. The image is abstract but not so abstract that you cannot tell what it is. I like the softer color in the browns personally. I think the B&W works but the color is my preference.

Very impressive image, i love both versions. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the input @Harley_Goldman, @Bonnie_Lampley, @Richard_Teller and @masdamb!

Interesting play of lines here! I can’t choose between the two, haha! Not having the sky here works beautifully.

I guess I prefer the color version. It’s still essentially monochrome, but still adds more context to the scene. The B&W version feels almost like a sketch by comparison. Not necessarily a negative thing, but I think the color version ends up stronger.


Wonderful landscape abstract! Thank you for posting after reaction from earlier post - This is pretty much what I think most were thinking when commenting earlier.

The b&w of course works perfectly given the contrast with mostly just blacks and whites…(duh)

The color version seems off to me. And after downloading I see that you didn’t save with a color profile, or sRGB. I’m wondering if that’s what I’m noticing. Anyway, I tweaked the color a little bit as what I’m seeing is a little red and warm to me. Not sure how my edit will look - We’ll know in a minute…

Thanks @Tony_Kuyper and @Lon_Overacker!

I think the color version is my favorite as well.

Lon, good catch on the color. I like what you did with the browns in your edit. As for the color profile, I always Export As from PS and the Convert to sRGB box is checked by default. Maybe I messed something up this time…