Basalt and Pepper & additional view

The force was clearly with us on this one…

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Is this a composite: No
iso 2000, 35-70 at 70 mm, f8, 1250th, full frame, Sony A1, Iceland


Awesome. I can’t tell if this is wood, stone, petrified wood? No matter, it’s really an incredible image, David.

This is called columnar basalt. This is created by the cooling of molten lava. For size perspective, this is about 20 X 30 meters. It is in a very hard to get to and infrequently visited canyon in Iceland. There are many areas in Iceland with columnar basalt but this is the only place I am aware of with this much twisting. Every place else has vertical columns.

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It does look like going into warp speed on the Millennial Falcon! There’s a feel of motion to it! Nicely seen!

David, from the thumb, I wasn’t sure if this was wood or stone. The larger view makes it clear that it’s columnar basalt. This is an excellent selection, with its big sweeping curve and variety of textures. The color shift across the frame looks good also.

I love the pattern of color across the rock…was some of that, especially near the edges of the frame, sunlight, or just the natural color of the rock was that varied?

Love the title you gave this too!

It was cloudy when this was taken. When the water is lower and the sun is out, the river is turquoise in color. It is a 5-6 kilometer walk to get into the canyon at water level. But getting down there is dangerous due to loose and slippery rock. This was taken from a viewing platform that overhangs the canyon by 20 meters. There is a very steep metal stairway that descends 100 meters to get to the viewing platform. Getting down is easy but the climb back up is not.