The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
June 2021 was a bad year for fires around the Phoenix area. I was walking in my neighborhood when I noticed the sun setting and an unusual cast to the sky from the smoke that had settled into the valley from the desert fires east of us. I walked into the desert wash to get a better view of the sun next to the cactus in the photo, when the smoke created this eerie effect. It was if the summer desert beast had appeared to remind us that even if going to sleep, it was still there and would be back in the morning. The only camera I had was on my phone, but, could pass up a chance to capture this effect from the smoke .
Hi Marlin,
wow, that looks awesome. But it is sad that this effect is triggered by desert fires.
You managed to find a nice composition on the fly, really great with the bush and the cactus.
Unfortunately, you didn’t have your camera with you… I know this situation all too well.
Your image has some bandings around the sun. But I think it comes from the low dynamic range of your smartphone camera. So it will be hard to fix if you don’t have a raw file available.
I really like the composition here, Marlin. The banding is unfortunate. I don’t know if Samsung includes a RAW option in their camera app, but I do know you can download second party camera apps for android that do allow it. I’ve done so for those occasions when I either don’t have a camera or need a really wide angle and don’t have it.
I agree that your comp. work well. The red around the sun is very striking and it’s shape adds to the evil eye effect. I am noticing the halos aroung the saguaros, which is often a clarity (microcontrast) result, that your phone may be adding on it’s own.
@Jens_Ober , Thank you for the comments. Our neighborhood is all desert landscape with large undeveloped wash in the middle. The composition started with the sun on the left side of the cactus. Hurrying to find a better composition through the cholla and other armed desert plants was interesting, lets say! I am glad you like what I finished with.
I would have liked to have run back to get my camera, but, as you know things were changing quickly, so I tried to work with what I had. I am just glad I was able to capture some of the implied menace, which is easy to feel when the air is filled with smoke and its 108 degrees.
@Dennis_Plank , Thank you for checking this out. I did have to work around a bit before I landed on a composition I liked.
I have a different phone now S. Galaxy 23+, that does allow use of the Expert Raw app to shoot both raw and JPG. Its rather new to me so I haven’t tried it yet. Will be playing with all the features to get to know how to take advantage. I walk often through our neighborhood and usually take it with me.
@Mark_Seaver , Thank you for the thoughts and suggestions. I will have to read up more on use and effects of clarity, contrast,etc. Still learning.
I think some of that effect may also be the result of unfocused, backlit needles that outline the saguaro. There is a nice image in the June 2023 issue of Arizona Highways, Natural Highlights, on page 5, that really captures that effect.