Beech cathedral

A moss covered beech wood beside the river at Glencoe in the Highlands of Scotland forms a nice set of overhanging green pillars that converge to a point at the end of a grey lumpy footpath. The subdued bluish light of twilight created the softest possible light and minimised contrast.

Fuji XT-1, 55-200 zoom lens, 0.3ND soft grad, (to lift the base), f/22 at 4 seconds, ISO 200

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The large view opens up beautifully. How you framed this is quite inviting, allowing the viewer to wander in to the scene to enjoy all the details. The processing is spot on (at least for me, those mossy greens are so hard to tame.) I like how you’ve framed the scene with the two trunks on the edges - and what works nicely and improves the overall impression, is that those two trees are off-set - they’re not at the same distance. I like that look and the flow created.

No nits or suggestions. Excellent.


Wonderful perspective of this inviting scene. The touch of colour is perfect!
Excellent WP!

What a great place for a hike. I love the lush green along the path and the distant warm tones.

This is quite different than your usual images from Scotland, Ian.

There is a nice, gentle mood, and definitely gives the feeling of walking a path in the woods.

Your processing looks spot-on to me, and as Lon says, those mosses can be hard to tame.

Nicely done!


I find all is said by the others. A fine composition. Especially I love the colors, all so good in balans.

Ian this is simply gorgeous. Your processing has done a wonderful job of making the yellow and green tones in this image look very natural, and that is not always easy to do. And the arrangement of the trees in your composition is very pleasing, I especially like the horizontal branches near the top of the frame. Great work !!!

this is beautiful and very inviting, Ian. Now I know what you folks are talking about when you describe beech woods in the books.

Superb, Ian. Beautiful framing. Personal taste but I could see bumping up the vibrance in the moss a bit to stand out further against the muted tones on the bare earth.

This is beautiful and inviting. I love it!!!