The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This is one of our favourite camping locations in Fiordland National Park. There is a wide variety of native birds that are very friendly and on the prowl for any tidbits they might be offered, and in return they prey on the sandflies on our behalf.
Specific Feedback
Just interested in any feedback. All suggestions are very welcome. I realise the image is a bit on the messy side here and there, but that is the nature of our bush. It is very diffult to get clean open shots.
No problem for me, that it is a bit messy. I like your point of view and the moss covered roots that lead to the trees. Good detail in trees and leaves (no storm today, apparently). Looks like a wild place and the image invites me to hike there. Shame, that it is on the opposite site of the world
I am always drawn to scenes like this as well and totally get the attraction. The mossy roots and rocks make for such interesting shapes and for me gives a strong sense of place. Forest floors are busy by their very natures and so that aspect doesn’t bother me, although I also understand the struggle to present a cohesive image in this kind of environment. The trees are well spaced and their color looks good both in bark and in leaves. Most of the weight is on the left, but the lighter moss and denser foliage balances it well. I’d love to climb in an sit right in the center.
One thing that could be fun to noodle with is the yellow leaves scattered in the canopy and if you could bring those out a bit more. When similar trees like birches or hornbeams start to turn I always emphasize that change if it works with the overall scene. Such an inviting photo and one that speaks to me.
One thing you could is to crop off some of the top (or bottom or both) and create an aspect ratio that supports the dominant curve that runs from one side to the other.
@Han_Schutten, @Kris_Smith and @Igor_Doncov.
Thanks for looking and for your feedback. I am heartened by your comments that messy is OK in this type of image as, to me anyway, tidying up a scene in our bush would result in an image that is quite unnatural. I envy your open, and often very clean, landscape photos.
I’ll get back to this one with your suggestions as soon as I get a chance. Thankyou.
I’m with Kris - I’d love to sit right there in the middle of that rock and absorb the scene.
While this is busy, with all those small details and textures, you’ve composed it to have a very solid and arranged feel. The two main blocks (trees and rock) are well defined, giving this a decidedly non-busy feel. The only bit that I find distracting is that small opening between the trees, mid-frame on the left. Not sure how to deal with that. You wouldn’t want to crop it out because that largest tree needs the room to the left. Maybe a slight darkening. Anyway, this is just lovely.
Thanks Bonnie. Yes, it’s difficult to avoid bland, grey, empty sky when I really want to include enough height of the trees. When we only travel to this particular area on holidays I just have to hope the sky is cloudy and/or blue but then have to take it as it is. In this case it was bright overcast so all I could do was darken it somewhat. The gaps between the trees were originally very bright. Cheers.