Critique Style Requested: In-depth
The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
I like the behavior aspect of this image but wonder if POV could be improved, which is not always possible in the jungle.
Creative direction
I was trying to get some mood there, not sure if it conveys in a tight frame.
Specific Feedback
Technical Details
Canon 7D II; 100-400 mm; ISO 400; 1/500 sec, at f 5.
After some rains, this big tusker decided to take a mud bath in a small puddle. It really enjoyed spending some time there.
After he left I told my friends that it teaches us the fact that it is indeed possible to enjoy the life even with minimum of resources and we had a good laugh !