This is a look at Big Creek splashing over some underwater ice, thanks to all of Montana’s cold weather in October.
5D3, 100-400 @ 255, 1/15s, f/16, iso 100, tripod
This is a look at Big Creek splashing over some underwater ice, thanks to all of Montana’s cold weather in October.
5D3, 100-400 @ 255, 1/15s, f/16, iso 100, tripod
Real nice view of this riffle. The streaks in the water work well for me and I think you nailed the shutter speed. I would be inclined to somehow eliminate the dark triangle in the ULC, but otherwise, everything looks good to me.
Its a really high key image Mark. I love the light scribbles everywhere in the frame. Not much color, have you considered B&W
A very different and unique take on a winter creek shot Mark. I looked at the image first before reading your comments and it took me a moment to realize that there was ice underneath the flow. I also agree with @Harley_Goldman about removing the black patch in the ULC .
This is awesome! I like Youssef’s term “light squiggles,” as that describes those details perfectly. Around the edges is softer - as expected given the proximity and even at f/16 - the details are sharp where needed. This is simply unique and quite beautifully captured! Kudos!