Black Phoebe at Sunset

The black phoebe is one of my favorite birds, although common. They often come back to the same perch after foraging for insects, so it’s fairly easily to pre-focus and get them coming in.
This fellow didn’t have a bug, but gave me my favorite rear pose.

1/200 sec, f/5.6
Mode: Av
Metering: Multi-segment
Exp comp: +2/3
ISO: 400
White balance: Auto
Flash: Off

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Hi Sandy, wonderful backwards look from the Phoebe and the bird is placed well in the frame. Nice background too. The light seems to be coming from the side or rear which you handled well. Well done.

Excellent, Sandy. Great pose and perch. What was the yellow at the top?

ummmmm…the SUNSET! :upside_down_face: