Black Skimmer

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I was in the right place but not at the right time – it was early in the morning and the light was low, resulting in high ISO needed, that I could deal with. What I cannot figure out is what to do with the water, which is reflecting the sky, which is white (due to the early hour and the angle) So I have a photo of a beautiful instant – but it does not “pop”.

Creative direction

I didn’t have any real “vision”. I wanted to get a good image of a Black Skimmer at work.

Specific Feedback

Control of contrast, hue and colour.

Technical Details

Nikon Z9 100 - 400 mm 1/1250 sec f/6.3 ISO 3600


I was in the right place but not at the right time – it was early in the morning and the light was low, resulting in high ISO needed, that I could deal with. What I cannot figure out is what to do with the water, which is reflecting the sky, which is white (due to the early hour and the angle) So I have a photo of a beautiful instant – but it does not “pop”.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

You really did catch the right moment and the bird is flying at the perfect angle for the photograph. The skimmer seems just slightly soft, but I think some of that is due to the lack of contrast in it. The blacks are looking a bit washed out for my taste, so I think I’d boost contrast in the bird to see if that gives it more pop. The leading line from the the skimming action is great so I’d be happy with the composition. Unfortunately, I’m not skilled enough to suggest any solution on the water. Hopefully one of the adjustment gurus can chime in on that aspect.

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Thanks, Dennis. Appreciate your input!

Hi Pieter, a fine behavioral catch of a species I have no shots of (skimming or otherwise - jealous here!). I think richer blacks on the bird will provide more of the pop you are after. Others may provide advice on the water as Dennis stated but I think this is a fine image. Nice to see the reflection as well.

I think the Z9 can easily handle this ISO of 3200 and higher (which will give faster shutter speed) especially if you use Noise reduction available in various programs ( I use DXO PureRaw 4).

Hi Pieter
I loaded your photograph into Nik Collection (Silver Efex High Structure Smooth and this is what it looks like. I hope this give it the top you were looking for. Nice work.

Excellent idea, and thank you!

Instead of fighting the bright reflective water, exploit it!

Hi Pieter
It is always nice to get a happy response to a repost.
Thank you

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