Seen last summer in our garden.
Canon 1D4, Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro, 1.4x teleconverter, 430 EX II speedlite
ISO 800, f16, 1/250s, hand held
Any comments appreciated.
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Hi Allen ,nice find. Nice detail and the blurred back ground separates it nicely. Well done 
Finding one of this is always a treat, Allen. This is a nice tight view that shows the chrysalis well. This does seem a bit bright.
Allen, what a great find and capture. I love the lines and shapes it provides, both with the stem and the chrysalis. I agree with Mark that it seems a bit bright, but I think it is from the flash. Hopefully you can selectively tone that down. I find my eyes also being drawn to the oof brown leaves (or something) that is coming into the right side of the image and one small one near the bottom on the left. A real nice find, and I do love the way you composed it.