I found this butterfly yesterday at the local botanic gardens. I know the backgrounds are not ideal but like the pristine condition of this female. In the first image, I like how the orange flower corresponds to the orange in the butterfly. I desaturated the flower a bit in post processing.
Canon 90D, 70-200mm f2.8L IS II, 1.4x TC III
ISO 400, f16, 1/320s, hand held
Any comments appreciated.
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Excellent details in this beautiful Swallowtail, Allen. I too like how the orange flower picks up the orange in the BF. I am fine with the BG, as there really isn’t that much of it, so I’m just enjoying the details and colors in the BF. I love how you captured her at a diagonal in the frame of each image.
Nice poses on both images. On the small images, the yellows on the hindwing seemed too bright, but I’;m glad that I examined thge large versions. The yellows are spot on. Excellent colors . Well done…Jim
Allen, getting the entire butterfly sharp is always a challenge and you’ve got total sharpness in both views. Given how the bf fills the frame, have details in the leaves and flower work just fine, especially the strong red of the flower.
Allen: Superb plane of focus management on both shots. I like the flower perch on the first and the more even light on the second. I think I would work the first image by getting rid of the dark spots on the leaf and the light areas in the left BG. Really good capture. >=))>