Blooming willow

Specific Feedback Requested

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Is this a composite: No
Nikon D810
Nikon 70-200 f4


Well this is a pretty neat looking abstract. The white spots in the water almost look like ice. But the presence of what I assume are green leaves reflected in the water, would suggest that it is not ice. This apparent contradiction adds an interesting element to the image, and gets me more engaged with the image. I especially like your use of color here, the brown/green/white combination works really well together. To some degree this also sort of looks like a stained glass window. Nice job of seeing this abstract @joaoquintela

My only suggestion for tweaks relates to teh diagonal branch in the ULC, because it looks so different from the parallel lines in the rest of the image, it has a lot of visual weight. I’m still debating whether this is good because it creates an asymmetric composition, or whether it competes too much with the rest of the image, I keep going back and forth on this. For now, I’m good with it as presented, to me it’s an element that breaks up the pattern and gives your eye a place to rest.

Joao, I love what you’re doing with your photography. This is adventurous and, to my mind, wholly successful. It has a wonderful rainy day mood. Great eye for colour and line. Beautifully balanced - even the diagonal in the upper right (or maybe especially) works to provide balance and added interest. Print it.

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Thank you very much for your words @Ed_McGuirk

This is a very recent picture, I shot it Yesterday (Sunday,28) and from the moment I saw it on the screen it’s been growing on me. Those are willows reflections and the white “snow” are Poplar seeds – excuse me if that’s not correct. I also invert the image – upside down – as I reckon it makes more sense like that – and because of that I had to clone out some little grasses and branches from the water that looks odd.

The diagonal branch in the corner doesn’t bother me, I think it helps to break the pattern.

I probably will…big.
Thanks for your words @Kerry_Gordon

I love this image Joao. It’s certainly as good as any of Bonnie’s work, which it resembles. I don’t see any diagonal branch in the ULC but I do see a fairly prominent leaf in that area. You could remove it. This does have a rainy day look to it. It’s as though we’re looking through a rainy window.

A bit late to the party here, but I wanted to say how lovely this is. I had the same reaction as Igor, that we were looking through a rainy window. The tones and texture (from the light bits on the water) are beautiful. The diagonal branch in the URC looks fine to me - maybe reducing the lights in that corner just a tad would make it less “weighty” in the frame. And there are a couple of light brown bits (catkins?) floating on the water in the top half of the frame that could be cloned out if you wanted to.

This is really cool and a pleasure to look at. I love the green tones and can definitely see this printed big and hanging on someone’s wall!