Blue Hour Blue Heron 5

Blue Hour Blue Heron Black and White

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The image was taken from a moving boat. Deep blue hour

Specific Feedback

Seems like every time I go out for a sunset, I come across these great bird scenes way after sunset.
But I am always taken in by the abstract quality of the fuzzy image. The raw files are mostly black, so I try everything to get an image.
Question: are these images valid?

Technical Details


Steve, they are both valid. It’s a matter of taste. A lot of times it seems I catch a good shoot after the light is gone or has changed. The blue light can work too. I like the light you did get above and below the bird in the color blue shot. If I could, i would try and get as much light in as possible and crop a third of the right side. It is so dark. That would about center the bird but i think it would still be a great shot. I really like how the Heron is flying low across the pond tree line shadow. Nice Comp, thanks

I think I prefer the b&w but it’s hard to say. On my screen one is much bigger than the other and that’s affecting my impression.

I think they are both valid and honestly, I don’t really know what you mean by “Valid?” Aren’t all images valid? Anyway, I think they both have a painterly effect particularly with the long streaking vertical lines of the tree trunks and their reflections. I’m not sure I prefer one over the other although if I had to pick one I think I’d pick the color version. I usually don’t like it when an animal is moving and facing facing away from the viewer with no eye contact but I really like the bird flying away from the viewer. I also like the lower left corner with all of the vibrant colors of the sky reflecting in the water. It livens the image up quite a bit and provides a nice contrast to the rest of the scene.

The blueness and darkness in the color version capture for me the mysterious mood that I often feel when I’m in a swamp. There’s a very nice sense of abstraction in how the blue and greens in the top half are starting to merge.