Blue & Yellow

Enjoyed watching this Indigo Bunting at sunrise at my local hiking area. I was waiting for the rising sun to light the bunting but like this image just shortly before. I was not able to leave the trail to get closer as this is a provincial park with well marked trails and official stay on trail policy. Also didn’t want to stress the bird.

Specific Feedback Requested

any feedback welcome

Technical Details

1/250, f6.3, iso6400. heavily cropped and processed with Topaz Denoise AI. Some minor adjustments in LR to increase the luminance of the yellows and lighten dark areas in the background.

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Very pleasing color, composition, detail and environmental background. The perch works quite well.

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Lovely light and IQ. This one gives me the feeling that the bird needs more room to look into, if there isn’t something objectionable on the left. Otherwise, I’d crop from the bottom and right, although it would be hard to cut into those lovely leaves. If it’s a big crop, maybe rotate the crop to straighten the stem??

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Bryan, the colors look good, with the warmer oranges in the background setting of the Bunting well. I too, like the perch.

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