Bound for Home w/ repost



Russian Snow Geese depart Washington’s Skagit Valley:

This was taken last February. Thousands of Russian Snow Geese winter here in the Skagit Valley. The sun was shining on the farm land and birds as a major rain storm was heading in. The geese and a few swans were beginning their migration North against the dark gray background.

Specific Feedback Requested:
All comments welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques:
D850, ISO 1600, 1/5000 sec, f6.3, 150-600 at 150 handheld

Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites)

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The light on this is really nice. Excellent goose in flight distribution. I would be really tempted to remove the larger phone line pole in the middle along with the wires.

So cool, Steve. I like nature’s contrail here. :grinning:

@David_Schoen and @David_Bostock Thanks for the comments. I removed the large post and wires and reposted at the top. Thanks for the suggestion.

The repost works well too.

Hi Steve
I am glad to see the barn photograph. This photograph work much better than the closeup. I can go with or without the poles.
Nice work.

@Peter_Morrissey Thanks for the comment on both images. After looking again, I’m very surprised I even processed the closeup shot.

This is such an awesome image, Steve! I love the big trail of geese and swans at the top but also really love the few which seem a bit closer flying right over that barn. It just adds another dimension of interest. Beautifully composed!

@Vanessa_Hill Thank you for the kind comments! Much appreciated.

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