Breakfast with mom

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I love the image and the action I captured. I did struggle with the composition, dark spots of mud (I think they are the ones that the eye goes to ), and cropping the image.

Creative direction

Mom and baby eating. I went for the action more than the scenery. I did crop it tighter 5x7 ratio, but I have more space in the front

Specific Feedback

I would like to hear feedback on all 4 aspects of the image.

Technical Details

Taken with R5, RF 400mm, ISO 200, f2.8, 1/800sec


It was the first day of the first trip to Amboseli - at that point I was looking for anything interesting :

A really good behavioural image here Natalia. The interaction is the real story. Regarding your questions, I don’t mind the mud as it adds to the authenticity. I do feel the animals need more room left and right. You can always add canvas to the right and clone in some BG, although these days this seems to be done with AI Gen Fill. Personally I am not a fan of bright oof FG so I would crop a little from the bottom and darken a little.
The other thought re cropping is to tell a different story. Crop tight, not showing all the elephant’s body, just the interaction between mother and child.
In any case it must have been wonderful to observe this.

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Nice family image Natalia. I agree with Mark that this needs more space around the elephants. Mostly as you’ve pointed out in front of them. You captured great detail and intimate character here. The calf seems to be very well protected and content.

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Oh how lovely and sweet in its way. Every time I see an elephant nursing I’m reminded that they are one of the only non-primate mammals (if not the only) to have those mammaries by the front limbs instead of the rear. Some room on the right of the tail will help with this larger view, but a tight crop could work, too. Really nice in and out story, too. The possessors of mammaries are like factories of nutrients sometimes and this illustrates it well.

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It is beautifully captured ! However it does need more space on the LHS & RHS, you may selectively reduce blacks in the dark spots of mud. Touch more saturation may help the image.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I will work on the image and will post the one with corrections for you to take a look.